Monday, December 19, 2011

Season's Greetings

Here is a drawing I did a couple of years ago during an art group I met with every 5-6 weeks.

It was an all day Sunday meeting. 
We would come together and sit and draw whatever came to mind. It was not about creating art. 
It was more about stopping, letting go of the everyday demands, allowing ourselves to become absorbed in the moment and into the joy of being creative.  

Most of us have not been creative since we were children.

We would stop and have a lovely lunch 
and at the end of the day, if requested, we would discuss each person's drawing.
One of the ladies in the group was an art therapist, I have done foundation studies in art therapy and have a Diploma in counselling and another lady was in Pastoral care. So plenty of healthy support was available if need be.

I wanted to share the drawing with you and to encourage everyone to make an appointment over the festive season and allow themselves to be creative. I see it as Food for the Soul. 
Creating jewellery is me feeding my soul.

I take this opportunity to wish you all a 
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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